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New Pride Management Information System - User Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
332 pages
This manual explains the content and presents the forms and coding information used in the management information system for Project New Pride, an experimental community-based treatment program serving juveniles who would otherwise be sent to an institution.
Project New Pride assesses the needs of each client and provides individualized treatment, including education, employment training, employment opportunities, and services to improve social functioning. The management information system represents an integrated data collection system for programs committed to automating the data collection process. It requires remote data entry via teletype terminals and is an interactive system that has extensive software packages and can be used by nonprogrammers. The software provides for statistical analysis, maintenance of files, and generation of reports. The information system consists of 13 forms and 18 computer datasets and their corresponding dictionaries. The data cover background and diagnostic information, objectives that will meet the client's progress reporting, status reporting, and termination information. Explanations of each form, its associated information, and the reports and analyses generated by the system are supplied.