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New Pride Management Information System

NCJ Number
Date Published
97 pages
This document describes the benefits and forms used in the management information system (MIS) developed for Project New Pride, an experimental juvenile community-based treatment program located in Denver.
To ensure both intensive and current data collection, New Pride's MIS uses remote data entry at the project site itself via teletype terminals. The MIS produces case history and tracking information and assesses impact measures such as recidivism, school achievement, remediation of learning disabilities, and employment. It provides managers with data on services provided by staff and volunteers and funding sources with monitoring information. The MIS consists of 13 forms and 18 computer datasets and their corresponding dictionaries. This document reviews basic types of data that are collected: diagnostic information, objectives, services, progress reporting, status reporting, and termination. It also explains the forms used to gather data, the reports produced, and the system's analytical capabilities. All 13 forms are appended.