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New Predators: Crime Enters the Future

NCJ Number
Futurist Dated: (April 1985) Pages: 15-18
S A Egger
Date Published
4 pages
This article surveys several types of criminal predators that will likely emerge in the United States over the next two decades including organized criminal youth gangs, frustrated citizens, technological predators, child sexual abusers, serial criminals, the elderly, white collar managers, and computer pirates.
While urban youth gangs are becoming more sophisticated and organized, juvenile gangs are also beginning to appear in smaller communities. These gangs are becoming more specialized in their criminal activities which may include extortion, murder, robbery, and property offenses. There has also been an increase in the number of crimes committed by ordinary citizens and their perceptions that their lives are out of their control. Neighborhood crime prevention groups also have the potential of becoming vigilante squads. Information technology has spawned a new breed of criminal predators who will only find increased opportunities in the future. Child sexual abuse takes many forms including rape, organized prostitution, and pornography. Serial murder, rape, and bombings are a growing phenomenon that is beginning to receive widespread attention and to be differentiated from mass crimes. Emerging predatory groups include the elderly who feel victimized by poverty, fear, and an unresponsive government; white collar managers who feel frustrated within their organizations; and computer pirates who distribute illegally copied computer software to friends and associates.