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New Method for Obtaining Highly Detailed Exemplars of Shoe Soles and Friction Ridge Detail

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Identification Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Dated: July/August 2002 Pages: 421-425
Thomas S. Hill
Date Published
5 pages
This paper describes an easily performed method that uses a minimal amount of materials in producing finely detailed exemplars of shoe soles or friction ridge detail; it can be used either in the laboratory or in the field.
The procedure cuts a self-stick mounting board to accommodate the shoe that is being used. While wearing the shoe, dust the sole with fingerprint powder. Tap or blow on the sole to remove any loose powder. Remove the protective covering from the board to expose the adhesive side. Place the board adhesive side up on a flat surface. With a walking motion, step on the board heel to toe. The adhesive surface now needs to be covered to protect the print. Using a 4-inch wide frosted fingerprint lifting tape, apply it lengthwise along the center of the impression. The end result is a detailed impression of the shoe. This method may also be used for crime scene elimination footwear exemplars and palm and footprint standards from cadavers. The method is excellent for obtaining friction ridge detail of the hands or feet from cadavers, either at the scene or at the morgue. When doing this method at the morgue, ink rather than powder works better because of the cold surface of the skin. 4 figures and 2 references