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New Jersey Bureau of Parole - Annual Report, Fiscal Year July 1, 1981 - June 30, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
46 pages
The overcrowding in New Jersey's penal and correctional institutions and the resultant confinement of State prisoners in county facilities has had a significant impact on the Bureau of Parole's functions.
Activities surrounding prerelease/release functions normally handled by an institutional parole officer at the State institutions are being completed by field staff at the county facilities. Realignment of boundaries for several of the districts was necessary to equalize caseloads. All district caseloads now either approach or are in excess of 1,000. Staff activities in conjunction with remote terminal operation have been expanded, and four data banks can now be accessed. The Bureau has the responsibility for maintaining current and accurate parole-related entries into the offender tracking and parole caseload system. Tables, figures, and appended data are supplied.