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New Hampshire Probation Department - Twenty-Second Biennial Report, January 1, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
77 pages
This biennial report highlights the accomplishments and problems of the New Hampshire Department of Probation for the period ending December 31, 1980.
Data are presented on the probation unit's workload, enforcement activities, and volunteer program. The domestic relations unit is described and its workload and enforcement activities are outlined. During the last 4 years, the supervision caseload and the number of investigations have decreased. The supervision caseload, as of the end of the last 4 fiscal years, has remained at 2,000. Reasons for the drop in probation caseload include the addition of more probation officers and services, the decrease in new cases assigned by the court and less recidivism, and other factors. During fiscal year 1980, 36 more new supervision cases were assigned by the court than in fiscal year 1979. Both adult and juvenile committals decreased in 1980, as did the number of volunteers participating in probation programs. The probation unit was successful in acquiring a training officer and a liaison officer, in developing a statewide library for training and research, in expanding a college intern program, and in acquiring new office space. Although the domestic relations unit has a heavy caseload, it managed to collect almost $4 million on an average Aid To Families with Dependent Children caseload of 2,692 per year in this biennium. The unit's computer program was also updated. Tables and organizational charts are included.