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New Hampshire Probation Department - Probation Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
330 pages
This manual provides background information on New Hampshire probation policies and procedures, with attention to the probation officer's role. It covers probation investigations, supervision, violations, recordkeeping, administration, personnel, and the volunteer program.
The material describes the presentence investigation procedures that probation officers follow, explaining how to complete and submit the required form, how to handle out-of-State requests for investigations, and how to use State police and FBI reports. Descriptions of supervision policies and procedures cover probation terms and conditions, as well as probation discharge and classification objectives. The text also explains how to complete the adult and juvenile classification forms by explaining classification criteria used. The manual includes information on probation volunteers' objectives and philosophy, as well as the recordkeeping required and training provided. It explains how to fill out the violation form and various other records and discusses administrative duties within the department. Rules and procedures affecting probation personnel are also covered. Sample forms are appended.