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New Hampshire Analysis of 1977 Arrest by Age and Sex

NCJ Number
S R Hall
Date Published
39 pages
This report compares statewide annual arrest totals with the age and sex distribution of New Hampshire's general population, thereby confirming the relative youthfulness of offenders.
Among its key findings are that age 16 is the peak age of arrest for Part 1 serious offenses. Also, nearly two-thirds of all Part I arrests occur among people 10 to 24 years of age, who represent slightly more than one-fourth of the population. With peak Part I arrests at 15-19, those younger (10-14) have a higher likelihood of arrest than those aged 20-24. By age 20, the arrest rate has begun to decline. From about age 30 on, arrests represent a share of the total arrests smaller than each group represents in the general population. By age 40, the arrest rate is negligible. Four out of five of those arrested are male. Of males arrested for Part I crimes, nearly half are between 15-19 years. Since only 10 percent of the male population is between age 15-19, this age group has a likelihood of arrest more than eight times higher than other males taken together. Tabular data are given.