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New Governance of Probation

NCJ Number
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Dated: May 2002 Pages: 182-200
Martin Wargent
Date Published
19 pages
This article highlights the public service potentials of newly developed Probation Boards in England and Wales.
Focusing on the necessity and potentials of the new Probation Boards, under the National Probation Directorate, this article discusses public services in England and Wales. Arguing that the newly developed Probation Boards have arrived without a written rationale or agenda, the author argues that nonetheless the Boards have tremendous potential in improving community justice. Following a presentation of the history of probation service and the way that this field has been modernized in recent years, the author offers a discussion of trends in public service governance. After citing the advantages and disadvantages of the centralization of probation services, this article covers the ways that the new Probation Boards may strike a balance between government and local agencies, serving local communities by improving community justice standards. Notes, references