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New Electronic Monitors Turn the Clock Ahead for Guard Tour Technology

NCJ Number
Security Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1987) Pages: 100-102,104,105
M Thompson
Date Published
5 pages
Electronic security guard tour monitors -- programmable, digital versions of the traditional key-operated watchclock -- are finding increasing use in many industrial and commercial applications.
Instead of tracking guards' whereabouts on an embossed tape like older systems, the new monitors use magnetic or bar-coded data readers that store information in a computer memory. A data recorder is usually operated by touching data readers placed at each stop on the tour. At the end of the tour, the guard turns the handheld recorder over to the supervisor who can then review a printout of the data. In addition to time, date, and location, the system can generate station descriptions and officers' names. Some systems allow the use of miniconsoles that transmit information via a modem to a central console. Others offer time and date recording that can be configured to generate real-time updates of the guard's activity. A listing of electronic monitors and their features and capabilities is provided. Photographs.