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New Approach to Automatic Comparison of Striation Marks

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 39 Issue: 4 Dated: (July 1994) Pages: 974-980
Z Geradts; J Keijzer; I Keereweer
Date Published
7 pages
A database for toolmarks has been developed on a personal computer with Microsoft Windows to make it possible to compare images of toolmarks used in burglaries.
The system was developed in the Netherlands to increase the number of burglaries solved. Currently, the police cast toolmarks in 10,000 of the 100,000 burglaries each year, but only 200 cases are solved by a comparison of the toolmarks. The computer database is called TRAX. The database is filled with video images and administrative data about the toolmarks. The data includes the width, the kind of toolmark, and other information. The system works with the Screen Machine multimedia board. A new algorithm for the automatic comparison of digitized striation patterns has been developed. The algorithm works well for deep and complete striation marks and will be implemented in TRAX. The system was tested with 10 screwdrivers of the same brand; the results revealed that all striation marks were identified with the correct screwdriver. Photographs and 7 references (Author abstract modified)