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NeisseriaAvoiding the Jump to Conclusions

NCJ Number
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Volume: 20 Issue: 6 Dated: November-December 2011 Pages: 622-630
Maria I. Spivey; Robert T. Paschall; Rhonda Ferrett; Randell Alexander
Date Published
December 2011
9 pages
This study examined two cases of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in a prepubertal child is virtually diagnostic of sexual abuse, provided perinatal infection has been excluded. Therefore, it is imperative that Neisseria gonorrhoeae be correctly identified. We present two cases of false positive Neisseria gonorrhoeae meningitis encountered at two different children's hospitals. Both cases were evaluated by the child protection teams prior to establishing the correct diagnosis. (Published Abstract)