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Neighbourhood Watch Policy Review: Report of Working Group

NCJ Number
Date Published
271 pages
A committee established in 1987 in the police department of Northumbria, England examined the operation of the Neighborhood Watch programs initiated in the area since 1983 to determine effective approaches and develop guidelines for the future operation of such programs.
The committee gathered information by means of surveys of police and program participants and from a review of research conducted through 1987. Results showed that Northumbria now has almost 2,400 programs serving more than 200,000 households, nearly one-fourth of the households in the area. Demand for the program continues to grow. In addition, small programs are more effective than large ones, so no program should serve more than 150 households. Moreover, support is greatest in suburban areas with low crime rates, indicating the need for efforts to establish programs in areas with high crime rates. Furthermore, some areas should receive police support beyond the basic standard. Community leaders should also be identified and given support, because successful programs usually involve one or two particularly enthusiastic residents. Additional recommendations for establishing, maintaining, and administering programs and appended program materials and survey instruments and results are included.