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Neighborhoods and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior

NCJ Number
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Volume: 43 Issue: 9 Dated: September 2014 Pages: 1536-1549
Daniel L. Carlson; Thomas L. Mcnulty; Paul E. Bellair; Stephen Watts
Date Published
September 2014
14 pages
Understanding the determinants of racial/ethnic disparities in adolescent sexual risk behavior is important given its links to the differential risk of teen pregnancy, childbearing, and sexually transmitted infections.
This article tests a contextual model that emphasizes the concentration of neighborhood disadvantage in shaping racial/ethnic disparities in sexual risk behavior. We focus on two risk behaviors that are prevalent among Black and Hispanic youth: the initiation of sexual activity in adolescence and the number of sex partners. Using data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Study of Youth (N = 6,985; 48 percent female; 57 percent non-Hispanic White) evidence indicates that neighborhood disadvantagemeasured by concentrated poverty, unemployment rates, and the proportion of female-headed householdspartially explains Black and Hispanic disparities from Whites in the odds of adolescent sexual debut, although the prevalence of female-headed households in neighborhoods appears to be the main driver in this domain. Likewise, accounting for neighborhood disadvantage reduces the Black-White and Hispanic-White disparity in the number of sexual partners, although less so relative to sexual debut. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these findings. (Published Abstract)