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Neighborhood Watch Program Evaluation, Phase 1 - Questionnaire Results

NCJ Number
Date Published
33 pages
Results of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's June 1982 survey of Neighborhood Watch Program group captains and members indicate that block groups were suffering from deteriorating interest and that some block groups were not involved in any activities.
Only 79 percent of the total block group captain respondents replied that their groups were involved in the three cornerstone functions of the program: scheduled watch, social security number engraving, and hardware changes. Overall, scheduled watch and social security engraving had the greatest participation within the block groups. Crime problems prior to the implementation of the block group did not appear to affect the level of participation. While almost 5 out of every 10 block group captains reported a problem with larcenies prior to the program's implementation, only 1.8 out of every 10 block captains reported such a problem after the program was started. Reductions in the level of burglaries appeared to increase with the level of participation in the program. Results are also given for such items as assault and better relations with the police department. Specific changes in the program are recommended. Figures, study data, and the survey instrument are included.