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Neighborhood Watch Evaluation in the City of Winnipeg

NCJ Number
J L Roy
Date Published
51 pages
This evaluation of the Winnipeg Neighborhood Watch Program (Canada) found that it reduced property crime and residents' fear of crime while increasing residents' reporting of suspicious activity.
The representative site consisted of 27 blocks composed of 965 homes. The control site also consisted of 27 blocks. Data from the computer-aided-dispatch incident reports indicated all calls for police service within the test and control areas. A crime-fear survey of the areas in August 1982 and July 1983 yielded information on residents' fear of crime. Statistics pertaining to implementation were obtained from items recorded on the speaker request forms. Crime incident reports and survey data were analyzed with a statistical analysis system that verified and sorted the data and produced frequency and cross-tabulation tables. In the test site, breaking and entering was reduced by 30.4 percent, property damage was reduced by 42.9 percent, and reported theft remained unchanged. Analagous figures for the control site were increases of 46.6 percent, 136.8 percent, and 49.3 percent, respectively. Reports of suspicious activity increased by 67.9 percent in the test area and 28.6 percent in the control area. Although there was a slightly lower level of crime fear in the test area, the reduction was not statistically significant. The study recommends increased support and resources for the program. Suggestions for evaluation and feedback are offered. 5 figures; 2 tables; 20 references; and appended study materials, survey questionnaire, and coding.