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NCJ Number
R J Lewicki; J A Litterer
Date Published
374 pages
This book considers the recognition of bargaining situations; aspects of the bargaining process; and how to analyze, plan, and implement a successful negotiation.
A review of the characteristics of a bargaining situation is followed by an overview of key aspects of negotiation. The elements of interdependence, which is the context for disputes, are explained. A chapter on negotiation planning and preparation addresses goal setting, defining the issues, consulting with others, and analyzing the other party. The strategies of distributive ('win-lose') and integrative ('win-win') bargaining are explained, and a chapter describes how to convert a 'win-lose' posture by the disputants to a 'win-win' posture. Following a review of the elements of successful negotiation, communication and persuasion processes are analyzed. Influential aspects of a negotiation's social structure are identified, and the roles of power and the negotiator's personality in determining bargaining outcomes are considered. The concluding chapter on negotiation ethics discusses what motivates unethical conduct, factors in a predisposition to choose unethical tactics, the classification of major ethical questions, and a model of ethical decisionmaking. A bibliography of approximately 315 listings, subject and author indexes.


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