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Needle and Syringe Cleaning Practices Among Injection Drug Users

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Education Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Dated: 2002 Pages: 167-178
Dennis G. Fisher Ph.D.; Colin R. Harbke B.S.; John R. Canty; Grace L. Reynolds D.P.A
Robert M. Huff M.P.H
Date Published
12 pages
In this study the effect of needle exchange on the bleach-mediated disinfection (BMD) of needles and syringes practices of needle- and syringe- (NS) sharing intravenous drug users (IDU) was evaluated.
Since BMD of needles and syringes has been advocated as a risk-reduction intervention against HIV among injection drug users, this study was undertaken, in Anchorage Alaska, for two reasons, to assess the effect of needle exchange in IDUs' BMD practices, and to determine the behavioral and social factors that might influence IDUs' BMD practices. Six hundred fifty three IDUs were randomly assigned to either pharmacy sales condition, which afforded access to NS via legal sales of nonprescription NS; or needle exchange condition with additional access to NS via an experimental needle exchange program. Data were obtained from the Risk Behavior Assessment between May 1997 and July 1999. Two tables are included showing a summarized list of candidate variables and variables associated with reported bleach-mediated disinfection in the last 30 days. Repeated measures analysis showed there was a main effect of time on BMD, no effect of assignment condition, and no time by assignment interaction. Logistic regression revealed IDUs who traded sex for money or drugs were less likely to practice BMD, and IDUs who reported a reduced number of sex partners were more likely to practice BMD. It was concluded that future interventions should incorporate behavioral BMD components and address the concerns of those who trade sex for money or drugs. 36 References