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Nebraska Department of Correctional Services: FY2000 Adult Statistical Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
109 pages
This report presents the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services' Adult Statistical Report for FY2000.
Data for this report were obtained from Nebraska State Penitentiary, Lincoln Correctional Center, Omaha Correctional Center, Hastings Correctional Center, community correctional centers, Nebraska Correctional Treatment Center, Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility, and Nebraska Center for Women. At the end of FY2000, 3,561 persons were incarcerated in Nebraska, a .4 percent increase over FY1999. In addition, 566 were on adult parole. A total of 783 persons were in maximum custody level facilities; 1,401 in medium custody level facilities; 975 in minimum custody level facilities; and 430 in community facilities. In addition to this release summary, the report presented specific data regarding: (1) adult inmates confined as of June 2000; (2) admissions to the Department of Correctional Services (DCS); (3) releases from DCS; (4) releases to parole; (5) releases to community corrections; (6) parole discharges; (7) parole revocations; and (8) recidivism.