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Nebraska Board of Parole - Annual Report, Twelfth Annual Statistical Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
38 pages
This report describes the functions of the Nebraska Board of Parole and presents parole statistics covering the period of 1979-80 and 1980-81.
Following a brief history of parole in Nebraska, the report presents information on board membership qualification, removal procedures, and activity limitations. The constitutional and statutory responsibilities and duties and powers of the parole board are delineated, and the parole process is explained, with commentary on institutional good time, eligibility requirements, parole plan development, and parole discharge. Also discussed are procedures undertaken when the parole process is violated. The objectives, purpose, and goals of the parole board are mentioned. The text notes that parole has been a part of Nebraska's correctional system since 1893 and that the current board's greatest responsibility is to determine when an offender is eligible for parole. An organizational and a functional chart are provided. Appendixes include parole statistics.