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NCPC (National Crime Prevention Council) on Teen Crime

NCJ Number
O P Burden
Date Published
3 pages
In Boston, the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) has sponsored a program that challenges juveniles to curb crime and vandalism, and in 11 other cities, an NCPC high school course instructs adolescents about crime.
The Boston program is operated through a board of directors composed of the police commissioner and his deputy, members of the Boston School Committee, a high school principal, and leaders of youth agencies. The board awards grants to groups and agencies for the support of projects that involve youth in school and community improvements. Funds are from a $100,000 grant by the Boston Foundation. Juveniles must be involved in the planning and execution of the project and get recognition for their work. The high school course presented in the 11 cities consists of 14 class sessions which cover crime in general, juveniles' role in crime, drugs and alcohol, rape, child abuse, drunk driving, shoplifting, the criminal justice system, and juvenile justice. In the final class, students learn about crime and crime prevention programs in their own school and community. They then offer proposals for juveniles' involvement in crime prevention. In three of the five cities that conducted the course last spring, citywide councils have been formed by students to work on crime prevention.