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NCJRS (National Criminal Justice Reference Service) - Security Information at Your Fingertips

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 25 Issue: 10 Dated: (October 1982) Pages: 10-14
M Kravitz
Date Published
5 pages
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), an information service, can help security specialists stay current on publications and techniques, make informed choices, build a personal research potential, obtain material for training, and enter a network of professionals in security.
NCJRS, a project of the National Institute of Justice, has the main function of collecting and disseminating information about crime, its causes and prevention, and the operations of the criminal justice system. A systematic acquisition program identifies candidates for the collection (65,000-and-growing), and incoming materials are screened by subject specialists. For each item selected, an informative abstract, complete bibliographic information, and index terms are entered into a computerized data base. Online search and retrieval capacity and special publication programs enable the staff to use the data base to respond to individual queries and create a growing list of available publications. A free bimonthly abstract bulletin sent to more than 40,000 subscribers features 40-50 abstracts of the most significant additions to the data base, with information for obtaining each item described. For many security management professionals, the most important NCJRS product is a custom search designed to retrieve descriptions of research, equipment, operations, and standards that can be reviewed as part of a research or planning effort. Users can also build their own research potential with the primary sources and indexes for sale on microfiche. Films and videotapes suitable for use in training show effective techniques for investigation, target hardening, crowd control, hostage negotiation, and other topics of concern to the private security industry. NCJRS also acts as a link in the network of professionals who call to share information and resources. Staff refers inquirers to primary sources whenever possible.