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NCIC Interstate Identification Index, System Security

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
This instructional video tape with two accompanying video facilitator guides provide law enforcement and criminal justice personnel with basic knowledge of National Crime Information Center (NCIC) policy and procedures. Expertise in NCIC operations will result in more efficient and effective criminal justice operations, help reduce liability, and assist in creating a safer environment for the entire criminal justice community.
Any time you must obtain the criminal history record of a subject, begin by checking III. Records for over fifteen million serious criminals are available within minutes. Care should be taken interpreting the record. Because of expanded search parameters, III may provide a record that is not an exact match with your subject. The absence of a III record does not mean there is no criminal history record for the subject. III records contain confidential criminal justice information. Administrative and criminal sanctions can be taken against agencies and individuals who use III for any reason other than a legitimate, official purpose. NCIC information is criminal justice information; may be used only by criminal justice employees; may only be used for criminal justice purposes; and intentional misuse is punishable by criminal sanctions.