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Navigating an Unclear Terrain: Challenges in Recognizing, Naming, and Accessing Services for "Forced Marriage"

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 25 Issue: 9 Dated: 2019 Pages: 1138-1159
Hanna Love; Meredith Dank; Sino Esthappan; Janine Zweig
Date Published
22 pages
Since forced marriage is poorly understood in the United States, this study is one of the first to examine the practice domestically, with a focus on service provision.

Using interviews with those who have experienced forced marriage and relevant stakeholders, this study identified challenges in recognizing, naming, and disclosing forced marriage. Findings indicate that people are unaware that forced marriage services exist, face barriers to disclosing, may not identify with the term, and are reluctant to seek services. This indicates the need for training, consistent organizational definitions, inclusive terminology, programming aimed at root causes, standardized identification methods, and cultural competency. (publisher abstract modified)