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Naval Investigative Service

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Quarterly Dated: (May-June-July 1991) Pages: 16-17
T J Parker
Date Published
2 pages
The Naval Investigative Service (NIS) is responsible for investigating felony offenses directed against or involving Department of the Navy property or personnel and may be encountered by police personnel in San Diego County (Calif.) in the course of investigations that involve military victims, witnesses, or suspects.
NIS has 1,200 special agents; 110 in the San Diego area. Agents usually change duty stations every 3 to 7 years. Most are civilian Federal agents who have bachelor's degrees and have passed rigorous background and security checks. New agents receive 16 weeks of training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center followed by 4 weeks of specialized NIS training. NIS agents routinely handle a variety of Part I crimes. They are also responsible for information and personnel security and train Navy police personnel. Court decisions confirming the military's right to prosecute cases in which military personnel commit crimes in the civilian community are resulting in increasing referrals of these cases by overworked local prosecutors. Photographs