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Nationwide Survey of Juvenile and Adult Sex-Offender Treatment Programs

NCJ Number
F H Knopp; W F Stevenson
Date Published
39 pages
The results of a survey of 1,167 specialized juvenile and adult sex-offender treatment providers are presented. The research design of the questionnaire focuses on information for referral, networking, and monitoring purposes for the Safer Society Program.
Data are provided for the distribution of both adult and juvenile programs by State and setting as well as by selected treatment methods by State and setting. Methods include family therapy, peer-group treatment, thinking errors, penile transducer, behavioral methods, aversive conditioning, and depo provera. The data revealed a few trends since 1988 in the use of thinking errors, penileplethysmography, aversive conditioning, and depo provera. Additional information is provided on the treatment of a special juvenile and adult sex-offenders population by State and setting. This group includes the low-functioning developmentally disabled sex offenders and the female sex offenders. A sample of the juvenile and adult sex-offender questionnaire is appended as is a list of the respondents to the survey. 9 tables