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National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update, Summer/Fall 2001

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2001
8 pages
This newsletter provides data on the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.
The document discusses the influence of parents in efforts to keep children drug-free and suggests ways parents can help reduce the risk of children using drugs. It also reviews how the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign will provide local newspapers the opportunity to engage young people in declaring what stands between them and drugs - their "Anti-Drugs." It discusses private sector contributions to the Campaign, currently more than $630 million. The newsletter describes how community groups around the country are adopting the "What's Your Anti-Drug?" brand and incorporating it into their programs and materials. These groups include musical groups, youth groups, Boy Scouts, and father/son groups using sports as an "anti-drug." It also describes the YMCA after-school program aimed at middle-school-age youth. The Campaign collaborated with the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Writers Guild Foundation, medical consultants, treatment and legal experts, and journalists to develop a Web site. DrugStory.org offers the latest information on substance abuse in a format customized to the needs of entertainment writers and feature journalists. Figure