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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Survey of Residential Programs for Victims of Sex Trafficking

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2013
37 pages

This survey solicited information on residential programs for victims of sex trafficking in the United States, so as to share this information with other jurisdictions in an effort to better serve such victims.


There are 10 key findings. First, a total of 33 residential programs (682 beds) were found to be currently operating exclusively for trafficking victims, with 2 being in Illinois. Second, residential programs were open in 16 States and the District of Columbia; California had the most (9 residential programs). Third, the Western region of the Nation had the most residential programs for trafficking victims (59 percent). Fourth, 28 States had no residential programs for sex trafficking victims and no plans to open such programs. Fifth, most of the programs accepted both domestic and international victims (64 percent), and 36 percent were exclusive to victims of domestic sex trafficking. Sixth, most available beds in residential programs (75 percent) were designated for minor victims of sex trafficking. Seventh, of the surveyed programs, there were fewer than 28 beds for male victims of sex trafficking. Eighth, all but one of the residential programs reported they offer residential services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ninth, of the 37 operational facilities, 28 have aftercare services for the victims who leave the residential program. Tenth, 27 agencies indicated they would be opening a residential program for trafficking victims, offering a total of 354 more beds. 3 tables, 49 references, and appended survey form and listing of residential programs by State and with contact information

Date Published: October 1, 2013