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National Survey of Jails: Jurisdiction-Level Data, 1987

NCJ Number
Date Published
227 pages
This report provides data processing information, a variable description list, and the codebook for the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics jurisdiction-level data for the 1987 National Survey of Jails.
Based on two mailouts conducted during June and August 1987 and a telephone followup to nonrespondents, the data meet the Bureau of Justice Statistics' need to analyze continuously the "spillover" effect on local jails of the dramatic growth in Federal and State prison populations. The introductory section of this report describes the survey's purpose and methodology, data limitations, file structure, codebook information, and information on data processing by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. The variable description list contains the code number and name for each variable used in the data processing. The codebook provides data processing information on each variable. This information includes the variable name and reference number, the abbreviated variable name, the code values of missing data, the starting location and width of the variable when the data are stored on a magnetic tape in the OSIRIS format, and the location by deck and column of the variable when the data are stored on cards or in card-image format. Also included are the full text (question) that yielded data on the variable, the code values, and the textual definitions of the codes.