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National Survey of Gender and Staffing in Secure Juvenile Facilities

NCJ Number
L W Mixdorf
Date Published
12 pages
A 1989 survey of State juvenile correctional administrators gathered information on practices and opinions regarding gender and staffing in secure juvenile correctional facilities.
Responses came from the 49 States with secure training schools and covered the use of male and female staff together to cover living units, the benefits of mixed/male female staffing, requirements regarding the sex of lone staff members assigned to a unit, and written policies and procedures. Results showed that 48 states provided mixed staffing. Some agencies regarded control as the main benefit of mixed staffing and claimed that female staff managed aggression in boys better than did male staff. Mixed staffing was also supported for providing a variety of role models, increasing socialization, softening the environment, and approximating family life. Administrators preferred to have lone staff members be of the same sex as juveniles under care, based on privacy and security issues. Many states did not support their practices with written policies and procedures. Results indicated the need for juvenile facilities and programs to develop policies and procedures to clarify how staffing is an integral part of the care and treatment the agency provides. Chart showing each State's response