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National Survey on Abuse of the Elderly in Canada: The Ryerson Study

NCJ Number
E Podnieks; K Pillemer; J P Nicholson; T Shillington; A Frizzel
Date Published
97 pages
Four major categories of elder abuse were defined and examined in this study designed to identify the prevalence and circumstances of abuse of the elderly in Canada: material abuse, chronic verbal aggression, physical violence, and neglect.
A modified random sample telephone survey was conducted of 2,008 elderly persons who lived in private dwellings. About 40 persons per 1,000 elderly population in private dwellings had recently experienced some serious form of maltreatment in their own home and at the hands of a partner, relative, or other close contact. The findings suggest that about 100,000 elderly persons in Canada recently may have suffered from some forms of abuse or neglect. Victims of material abuse and neglect were more likely to be widowed and living alone and to report that they have no one to assist them in the event of illness or disability. Victims of verbal aggression and physical violence tended to be married to and living with their abuser. The problem of elder abuse in Canada is of significant magnitude to warrant increased attention on the part of policy makers, social service, and legal system representatives, and researchers. Recommendations are included. 10 tables and 55 references