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National Strategy for Community Crime Prevention - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
106 pages
This is the final report for the first funding stage of the National Strategy for Community Crime Prevention (NSCCP), a program designed to provide advertising, printed materials, training, and technical assistance for the development of community crime prevention efforts.
The main thrust of the report is a review of the general intentions and strategies of the NSCCP. The strategy envisioned in the original planning of the NSCCP included advertising, which would draw the public's attention to the need for and value of crime prevention, and the fulfillment effort, designed to provide information, guidance, and stimulation for citizen action to reduce crime. Research and evaluation have been included as part of the strategy. The basic coordination process and types of activities planned (media, materials, and outreach) have made the crime prevention campaign a success in its first 2 years. The strategy is working when measured against original expectations for public awareness of and involvement in crime prevention activities. By the end of this grant period, about 500,000 booklets had been requested, and over $20 million of donated public service space and time had been documented. Seventeen statewide forums for citizen leaders had been conducted. About 46 major presentations to State and national organizations have been completed, while over 250 business corporations have been contacted about outreach activities in the campaign. Articles on crime prevention and the campaign were published in various newsletters, magazines, and newspapers. Details of the advertising strategy are provided, and responses from radio stations in evaluating radio 'spots' are presented. Samples of the advertising are included.