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National Restitution Training Series, Tape 8: Management Information Systems

NCJ Number
K Bumsted
Date Published
0 pages
A systems analyst from the National Center for State Courts outlines a basic computerized information system for juvenile restitution programs, including types of records maintained, processing routines, and equipment required.
The presentation outlines criteria for gathering information and steps in developing a management information system. The speaker emphasizes that only data which is needed for the agency to do its job, for an evaluation, or for planning and research should be collected. Suggestions on organizing information focus on five system files: the basic case data -- case number, terms of restitution, outcome, etc.; information about the juvenile subject; information about all parties associated with the case such as the judge, victims, and attorneys; financial history relating to the restitution or community service order; and a directory of community resources. Items that should be included within each file are described. The speaker explains how files can be linked and discusses the system's online searching capabilities. Daily, monthly, and year-end processing routines that update the files and produce summary reports are reviewed. The presentation concludes with hardware and software requirements for microcomputer systems that can handle 500-600 cases and minicomputer systems for 600 cases or more.