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National Research Institute of Legal Policy: Research Report Summaries 2012

NCJ Number
Eira Mykkanen
Date Published
41 pages
This report contains summaries of research reports published in 2012 from the National Research Institute of Legal Policy.
This report from the National Research Institute of Legal Policy in Helsinki, Finland, contains summaries of research reports published by the Institute in 2012. The Institute is responsible for conducting social-legal studies in both the field of criminology and general legal policy. The first two summaries, "Taking a Child into Care - Research of Decision Making in Administrative Courts" and "Crime Trends in Finland and the System of Criminal Justice 2010," were produced by the general unit and the criminological unit at the Institute, respectively. The next three summaries: "The Publicity of Trials in General Courts," "A Systematic Literature Review of Electronic Monitoring of Offenders," and "Law Drafting and Alternatives to Regulation," were produced by the general unit and the criminological unit at the Institute. The final two summaries, "The Robustness of Self-Control as a Predictor of Recidivism" and "Correlates of Violent Behavior among Finnish Adolescents Aged 12 to 18: Exploring the Feasibility of a Health Survey in Criminological Analysis," were both produced by the research division at the Institute.