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National Pretrial Reporting Program, Final Report

NCJ Number
KiDeuk Kim; Rob Santos; Bill Adams; Annie Gurvis; Miriam Becker-Cohen; Shebani Rao
Date Published
February 2019
63 pages
This Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) funded report details data collection on the pretrial release of felony defendants by the National Pretrial Reporting Program (NPRP) from 1988 to 1994.
BJS funded the National Pretrial Reporting Program (NPRP) from 1988 to 1994 to collect data on the pretrial release of felony defendants. In 1994, the collection was extended to compile more criminal justice case processing information through the State Court Processing Statistics (SCPS) series. SCPS was halted in 2009 due to concerns about cost and representativeness. This report presents the findings of a feasibility study funded to collect aggregate-level pretrial data. The report addresses the significant challenges for collecting pretrial data, including multiple agencies handling pretrial defendants, the inability of case management systems to produce summary data, and the lack of data from some jurisdictions. Findings are based on data collected through the NPRP 2012.

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Corporate Author
The Urban Institute

2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037, United States

Publication Format
Document (Online)
United States of America