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National Preparedness Report 2013

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2013
72 pages
This report summarizes national progress in developing, sustaining, and delivering the 31 core capabilities outlined in the National Preparedness Goal ("The Goal").
Whereas the 2012 National Preparedness Report (NPR) highlighted preparedness achievements in the decade since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the current 2013 NPR focuses on objectives achieved and in progress during 2012. Of the 65 key findings reported, 8 focus on overarching national trends. The Nation has made significant progress in the three national areas identified for improvement in the 2012 NPR: cybersecurity, recovery-focused core capabilities, and the integration of individuals with disabilities in the areas of access and functional need. New national areas identified for improvement in the 2013 NPR are the resilience of infrastructure systems and the facilitation of public-private partnerships. The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) established criteria for identifying national areas for improvement based upon State Preparedness Reports; performance during operations and exercises; and linkages to long-term emergency management drivers. An evaluation based on these criteria revealed additional issues for consideration, particularly in the areas of infrastructure systems and public-private partnerships. The response to Superstorm Sandy involved significant improvements over the response to previous disasters; however, in areas where current capability continues to lag, many States and Territories do not expect to build additional capacity and intend to rely on Federal assets to fill service and repair demands. Resilience initiatives are improving the Nation's ability to measure how well communities can prepare for and adapt to changing conditions so as to withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions. The remaining sections of this report present 57 key findings relating to each of the 31 core capabilities across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. 39 notes