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National Institute of Justice: Research Plan, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
192 pages
This volume describes the research topics and products to be funded by grants from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in 1991 and presents forms, application guidelines, and instructions for developing grant proposals.
The eight priority areas for research are intermediate sanctions, gangs and violence, evaluation, multijurisdictional task forces, community-based policing, community-based programs, drug testing, and crime victims. NIJ proposes a multifaceted research approach that includes national assessments of programs and practices, comprehensive analyses, reviews and syntheses, and original research projects. The section on each topic includes the NIJ funding level, a policy statement of the Office of Justice Programs, background information, specific research objectives and methods, research products, the time period for conducting the proposal, the due date for grant proposals, and a contact person. Descriptions of ongoing research programs involving multiyear grants and interagency agreements, outline of requirements for grant recipients, and forms