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National Institute of Justice Office of Science and Technology

NCJ Number
The Beacon Volume: 3 Issue: 5 Dated: February 2001 Pages: 2-4
John Stedman
Date Published
February 2001
3 pages
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has an ongoing program focused on combating terrorism.
While the Office of Science and Technology (OST) has a counterterrorism program focusing on providing State and local law enforcement better tools to combat terrorism, it also addresses needs common to the entire first responder community. This program has initiated several technology efforts. One is threat assessment, involving a study defining the chemical and biological agents that domestic first responders are most likely to encounter and that terrorists are most likely to use. This study is unique because it includes both a historical analysis of chemical and biological incidents, and a scientific assessment of the physical properties of chemical and biological agents to determine the true threat they pose. Another technology effort is chemical/biological equipment guidelines that include personal protection, detection, communication, medical, and decontamination equipment. NIJ is also sponsoring development and demonstration of a wearable, low-cost device that provides warning of exposure to hazardous chemical and biological agents in sufficient time for the wearer to take protective measures. Also in development are a national suite of standards and test methods for first responder equipment, a chemical detection monitor in a subway environment, a first responder escape mask, a light-weight chem-bio suit, and improved bomb robots. NIJ also provides funding for the Center for Civil Force Protection, flying plate disrupters, bomb technician training tools, and explosive diagnostics demonstration and evaluation.