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National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Reports, No. 213, March/April 1989

NCJ Number
David W. Hayeslip Jr.
Date Published
30 pages
This document examines several new strategies for combating drug dealing in America’s cities, and presents summaries of articles on other topics of interest to criminal justice professionals.
New approaches for combating drug dealing include enlisting the support of community groups, seizing assets of both sellers and users, and cracking down on street sales. The article shares information gathered in discussions with metropolitan police departments and questions that need to be answered concerning the impact of the new approaches. Summaries of other articles concern courts; crime prevention/deterrence; criminology; institutional corrections (adult); juvenile justice system; law enforcement; offenses; reference and statistics; staff resource development; system policy and planning; technology/systems; and victim services. Figures, notes, indexes, bibliographies


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