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National Institute of Criminology and Criminalistics

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
The National Institute of Criminology and Criminalistics (NICC) was established by governmental order in Budapest, Hungary, in 1960.
The fundamental objectives of the institute are to develop the theory of criminology and criminalistics and to conduct practical research in those fields. Its specific activities include studying the morphology, etiology, and prevention of crime; recommending governmental and social crime prevention measures; developing the science of criminalistics in terms of proving criminal offenses and enhancing prosecutorial effectiveness; researching police techniques; examining issues of substantive law; and publishing research material, preparing educational and documentational material, and providing training programs. The institute's three research units include the departments of criminology and criminalistics and the research organization and methodology section. Two ancillary units include the finance and documentation and administration sections. To date, the institute has completed approximately 250 criminological studies on topics including property and economic crimes, violent crimes, negligence, traffic crimes, prostitution, recidivism, victimology, criminal psychology, and cross-national analysis.