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National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and the Study of Juvenile Crime and Victimization (From Trends, Risks, and Interventions in Lethal Violence: Proceedings of the Third Annual Spring Symposium of the Homicide Research Working Group, P 309-315, 1995, Carolyn Block and Richard Block, eds

NCJ Number
H N Snyder
Date Published
7 pages
This paper outlines the capabilities of the FBI's National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) in terms of describing juvenile crime and victimization.

NIBRS is designed to capture detailed information on each incident reported to law enforcement agencies, focusing on demographics of the victim and offender, the offense, the victim- offender relationship, each victim's level of injury, use of weapons, content and value of property lost, and demographics of the person arrested. The NIBRS database enables the joint study of victim and offender characteristics, and characteristics of their violent crimes. The database can generate an actuarial table of the probability that a firearm will be used to commit a violent crime, and that a violent crime will result in a major injury. The data can be used to study the temporal aspects of crime and victimization. However, for NIBRS to achieve its potential in the field of criminology, the data must be made more accessible to researchers and local justice professionals. 2 figures and 5 tables