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National Evaluation of the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offender Programs - Computer File Documentation

NCJ Number
E M Corry; J W Peterson; C L Heck
Date Published
164 pages
This documentation describes the computer file system which contains the data collected at each of the funded sites included in an evaluation of programs established across the Nation to deinstitutionalize status offenders.
All data collected as part of the National Evaluation of the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offender Programs (DSO) are contained on two tapes. The first tape, DSO200, contains all client-centered data. It is a nine-track, IBM standard labels volume, with a recording density of 6250 b.p.i. All files are EBCDIC. The four basic client-centered data files are File 1 -- DSO.Program, File 2 -DSO.Client, File 3 -- DSO.Service, and File 4 -- DSO.Offense. The second tape, DSO27, contains three files which include Intersite data collected from each of the sites included in the national evaluation. All files are numeric and in binary format. They are File 1 -- Program Facility Data; File 2 -Organizational Survey Data, Time I Survey; and File 3 -- Organizational Survey Data, Time II Survey. This documentation contains codebooks and relevant data collection coding guides and instruments for each of the four basic client-centered data files. Also included are codebooks and data collection instruments for Intersite data, the Survey of Program Facilities, and the Organizational Survey. Tape maps are included for each of the two computer tapes. For the final report, see NCJ 80811. (Author summary modified)