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National Evaluation Community Anti-Crime Program - Final Report Attachments, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
348 pages
This evaluation design presents the details of the application of a decision-theoretic approach to the evaluation of the Community Anti-Crime (CAC) Program. The approach involves the development of a multiattribute utility theory (MAUT) model incorporating key issues associated with the program.
A conceptual framework for categorizing crime prevention approaches is described, and an overview of the history of the CAC Program and its current status is presented. A general rationale for applying decision theory to program evaluation and decisionmaking is described. The utility of decision theory in programmatic decisionmaking, particularly as an evaluation methodology, is outlined. The 'basic' MAUT model and details of the technical approach and rationale underlying the development of the full hierarchical MAUT model are discussed. About 65 references, exhibits, and appended technical information are included. (Author abstract modified)