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National Emergency Response to a Highly Contagious Animal Disease, Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
14 pages
This document provides guidance for a response to a highly contagious animal disease and includes a concept of operations, movement control guidelines, and foot-and-mouth disease operational guidelines.
The goal of the emergency response plan is to detect, control and eradicate a highly contagious disease as quickly as possible. The Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostician (FADD) will classify the assessment "unlikely," "possible," or "highly likely." If the assessment is highly likely, samples are taken, a quarantine may be imposed, and a movement control zone will be established. If the sample is positive, a number of tasks will be performed, including the imposition of a quarantine and consideration of depopulating the herd. The State Emergency Management Director will activate the State response plan. The U.S. Department of Agriculture will perform activities, such as notifying appropriate Federal agencies and coordinating national surveillance activities. Glossary, appendixes