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National Drug Policy Board Progress Report, 1987

NCJ Number
Date Published
199 pages
This 1987 progress report of the National Drug Policy Board presents the structures and goals of the board's lead agencies as well as Federal drug-control achievements for fiscal year 1987.
The areas covered by the lead agencies are international narcotics control, interdiction, investigation, prosecution, drug intelligence, prevention education, high-risk youth, mainstream adults, and treatment and rehabilitation. Two complementary themes are featured in the board's work and form the foundation of the national drug abuse prevention strategy: "intervention" and "user accountability." "Intervention" involves taking determined action to prevent and stop drug abuse. "User accountability" emphasizes that drug abuse is neither a victimless crime nor a private matter; users must be held accountable for their behavior. A 1987 policy focus involved the continuing internationalization of the drug issue. Symbolizing this trend was the convention of the United Nations International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Vienna, Austria, June 17-26, 1987. In 1987 the board reorganized the Federal drug control program under the nine lead agencies whose structures and goals are described in this report. A chapter profiles the national drug problem in 1987. Chapter footnotes and glossary