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National Drug Court Month Field Kit, 2002

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2002
33 pages
This kit provides materials and information that can be useful for jurisdictions that are planning programs for National Drug Court Month in May 2002.
The purposes of National Drug Court month are to honor the practitioners in drug courts, to educate the public about their cost-effectiveness, to raise their visibility, to institutionalize drug court programs and systems, and to express support for the new administration's proposed budget increase for drug courts. The culmination of the month-long celebration is the 2002 National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) 8th Annual Adult Drug Court Training Conference in Washington, DC, on June 13-15, 2002. This kit provides a local campaign time line, guidelines for implementing National Drug Court Month in a jurisdiction, and a model resolution as a centerpiece for the campaign. "Talking points" are provided on the characteristics of drug courts, recidivism rates, cost-effectiveness, and the efficacy of coercion. Tips are offered on contacting the media, composing a press release (sample press release included), and a media advisory.


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