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National Directory of Law Enforcement Administrators and Correctional Institutions Including Criminal Investigation Agencies and Criminal Prosecution Agencies of County, State, and Federal Levels, Volume 17, 1981 Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
202 pages
This comprehensive directory lists alphabetically by State sheriffs, prosecutors, police chiefs, State police and other law enforcement agencies, and Federal law enforcement agencies.
The volume is divided into four sections with each section representing a specific level of government. The first section lists county sheriffs, county prosecutors, and regional prosecutors. The second section lists police chiefs of cities and towns of more than 3,500 population and county police chiefs. The next section lists State police, State traffic patrols, State criminal investigation agencies, State correctional institutions, governors, attorneys general, and secretaries of State. The final section provides information on Federal criminal investigation agencies, Federal penal institutions, and Federal correctional institutions. An index is also included.