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National Crime Information Center Operating Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
555 pages
This manual provides standards, procedures, criteria, and formats to guide local, State, and Federal criminal justice agencies in using the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
The NCIC is a computerized data bank of documented information on crimes and criminals that is capable of instantly retrieving and furnishing stored information to any authorized agency with a NCIC terminal. The introduction describes the NCIC data base and NCIC organizational structure, policies, messages, standards, and security and quality control procedures, as well as the responsibilities of users and of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in operating the NCIC. Subsequent sections provide definitions and describe the contents of each of the system's files. Instructions for using entry, modification, cancellation, inquiry, locate, clear, and other messages also are provided for each file. These files contain records on vehicles, license plates, boats, guns, articles, securities, wanted persons, missing persons, Canadian warrants, unidentified persons, and originating agencies. A secret service protective file provides information on individuals who may pose a threat to the President or other authorized protectees. Also included are the policies, regulations, and procedures for the use of the interstate identification index, an automated system designed to provide for interstate exchange of criminal history record information. Emphasis throughout is placed on following procedures to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of NCIC records.