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National Crime Information Center - Operating Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
693 pages
This revised manual contains instructions designed to guide criminal justice agencies in using the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), a nationwide computerized information system established as a service to such agencies.
Information is provided on the NCIC vehicle file, license plate file, boat file, gun file, article file, securities file, wanted and missing person files, and personal descriptors. Information is also given concerning the computerized criminal history (CCH) file, including instructions for making inquiries of the CCH file. For each file, instructions are given regarding criteria for entry in the file and concerning the messages that should be used to modify or cancel the data request and to locate and clear information. Sample messages and file codes to be used are included. Descriptions of NCIC messages, on-line vehicle identification number (VIN) edits, quality control and validation procedures, and NCIC originating agency identifier policy are given. A list of NCIC control agencies is supplied. Additional guidelines are given on how to enter, modify, and cancel messages or make inquiries regarding recovered gun records and a consecutively serialized group of articles or securities records. Instructions and codes for personal descriptor fields contained in the wanted person record and missing person record formats are also provided.