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National Cargo Security Program - Fifth Annual Report to the President

NCJ Number
Date Published
87 pages
This report presents the status of the Federal/industry effort to reduce theft-related losses in transportation as of 1980, an evaluation of these efforts, and recommendations for the following year.
Following the presentation of Executive Order 11836, designed to increase the effectiveness of the transportation cargo security program, Federal and industry cargo security efforts which have been in operation since 1971 are described. Federal efforts have included relevant literature surveys, city campaigns for cargo security, local law enforcement training, cargo security surveys, theft prevention personnel training, a theft information system, and cargo security standards and equipment. Industry efforts have involved cargo security information, cargo security research, cargo security conferences, and attention to cargo security by various industry associations. Security efforts and data relevant to cargo theft are presented for air, motor, railroad, and maritime transport. Federal and industry security activities are described for each of the transport industries, and cargo loss data and trends are presented in graphic form for each industry. Overall, losses to cargo theft are estimated to be in excess of $1 billion annually. The most recently available loss data from the carrier modes indicate that, although no dramatic reductions have been accomplished, losses have been stabilized. The continuation of the program as outlined in Executive Order 11836 is recommended.